
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday quotes & Weight Watchers

"Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth - rain or shine. To carry your cargo and make your port is the point. " 
Maltbie Davenport Babcock

What a great quote to put up on a mirror and read every day! There are a lot of them! We have the kids write these kinds of quotes for their penmanship work. The rain in Spain may fall mainly on the plain, but how will the repetition of that assist them later in life? Aside from being able to quote My Fair Lady for an episode of Jeopardy perhaps!

The point here today is words. The words we use and say and what they mean in our lives. Most of the time we live and speak unconsciously. When reading a Little Bear book yesterday to our youngest, I was struck by a something that Mother Bear said to "her little bear". Little Bear was playing a game about wishing for things. He wished for grand things like building a castle, having special things, doing big things when he got older. What did Mother Bear say? She said, "You can't wish for that Little Bear." What? Why ever not? Why would a parent tell their child they can't wish for things? Those words were changed when read to our child. We choose live in a world of possible. Without outrageous wishes and desires our greatest inventions would not be common today. What I'm typing on right now was an outrageous wish. We choose to be mindful parents and human beings in regards to what we say, what we read, what we watch, what we listen to. It's all a choice anyway, we just don't always realize we can change our choices. We say things because that's what we heard growing up. We do things because that is what was modeled to us and often times, they just did the best they could with the models they had too.

Today, you can make new choices. Today you can become mindful of the words you say about yourself. There are books, CD's, DVD's, teleclasses, seminars, etc.. today you can make a choice to work on yourself from the inside out. To change for the better, to recognize what is no longer serving you. You know what those things are, they are the ones that cause you pain.

The point of this post came last night during a discussion of Weight Watchers. This is a perfectly nice organization and one that has helped many people to find success in their issues with excess weight. The thought though was, "what you focus on, expands." ~ T.Harv Eker Just what are you focusing on with this organization? Weight. All your thoughts are bent on it. Your life revolves around it. Your life is defined by a point system of what you can and can't eat so you are conscious of your weight at all times. So if you are having issues loosing weight, it may be because that's all you are thinking about and the Universe and Law of Attraction is giving you what you say/think about all the time. Weight.

Something to ponder today.

Take a few steps today to learn about being mindful of what you say.

1. List all of the negative things you say about yourself. "I'm overweight. I'm not good enough. I can't ____. I'm afraid to ______." Etc. Listen to yourself throughout the day and write down what you say about yourself and what you agree with others about yourself.

2. Take that list and write their opposites or what you would really desire to be. "I love being a perfect size 8. I love being able to rock that job. That vacation to swim with dolphins was fantastic." Whatever it is you dream about as a fabulous and fantastic you.

3. Now start saying those things about yourself every day. Put them up on your mirror. It might feel odd or uncomfortable at first, but that is only because you are used to saying negative things about yourself and it's a habit.

4. Start reading some good books that can help you elevate the way you think and feel about yourself. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a good start. As A Man Thinketh by James Allen is free to download here. Hung by the Tongue: What You Say is What you Get by Francis P Martin. There are many, many more. Now that you are thinking about this, your internal radar will start picking things up and you will run across more resources.

You may also have some energy blocks that EFT can help with, sign up for a free consultation and see if working together we can help you realize the fabulous you!

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