
Saturday, February 27, 2010

18 Points Used to Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Thank you Happy Feet Reflexology for sharing this story!

People suffering from fibromyalgia may experience a lot of conflicting emotions and pain drags us all down. Now there are some simple steps to help identify this issue that can be used by medical professionals. If you suspect you are dealing with this issue, bring it up with your medical professional and see if this tool helps you to narrow diagnosis down so you can begin a path to wellness. Article

Another technique you can add in your kit o' wellness is EFT. Fibromyalgia and EFT.

As evidenced in the story, our emotions play a huge and integral role in our overall wellness. However, we are taught to ignore them for the most part. We are encouraged to "get over it" to "settle down" to " let it go". But how can we do that successfully if our emotional body was seriously traumatized and the energy surrounding that event or a buildup of events is stuck? EFT gently yet powerfully accesses those blocks and allows them to release. Your pain is real and if you have been ignoring it, stuffing it or avoiding it your body often works out a way to help you focus on it. OUCH! A free 15 minute consultation is available, click on the link in the sidebar and we'll discuss if EFT is right for you.

 Reiki is also highly effective in helping alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia and Reiki.

For those suffering from the symptoms of pain associated with fibromyalgia, you know that there isn't one specific answer or drug that works 100%, consider adding a few of these suggestions to your kit o' wellness

Pain, of mind, body or spirit is not our natural state of being and no one, no matter what situations they have lived through in their lives, deserves to hold on to it as a penance. Give yourself permission today to find a path to your authentic self. You are a being of light, well loved and respectable. We would be honored to be  partners on  your path. Whatever path you choose though,  if you look, you will see us cheering you on with claps and whistles, dance and song.

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