
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Immediate Early Genes

Extremely interesting article showing the differences in gene expressions in the presence of stress. As EFT is an effective tool in reducing stress, imagine the positive impact on your gene expression!

A particular class of genes of great interest to biologists, because they turn on in three seconds or less, is the IEGs or Immediate Early Genes. These are the stress genes, the ones that contain the blueprints that allow our bodies to produce stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. They turn on quickly because an effective response to danger is essential to an organism's survival. But if they're turned on repeatedly, for instance by filling our minds with stressful thoughts, or re-playing unresolved childhood traumas, the overproduction of those stress hormones robs our body of the precursors required for cell repair and other beneficial biological functions. In this groundbreaking paper, David Feinstein and Dawson Church explain how EFT and other forms of energy psychology reduce the emotional intensity of traumatic memories, and thus reduce their biological impact as well, silencing stress genes.

Enjoy the article!

Immediate Early Genes

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