
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday Reiki

Need a boost of Reiki energy in your life? We are offering our weekly free distance Reiki today! Sign up or leave a comment if you would like to be added to our weekly Reiki list!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

EFT ~ Fear of lighting and thunder

Visiting with some friends a few months ago a sudden storm blew in. One friend, ML, jumped nervously at a flash of light and then shivered at the peal of thunder that followed.

"I'm terrified of storms!" she confessed.

Her breathing was quick and labored as she tried to suppress her fear. "I know it's dumb, but I really hate storms!" Her eyes were darting around.

Moved to help, we took her hand and tapped on the karate chop point and asked her what about the storm was so frightening to her.

"The lightening. The thunder. It scares me. I'm afraid the lightening will come through the house and strike me. I always unplug everything so the lightening can't come through the electronics. I have to close the curtains so tight so the light won't come through." As she told of these fears we tapped along the various meridians.

"Why do you think you are afraid of storms?" we asked.

ML replied, "Well, one time I was sitting in my van and a lighting bolt hit the ground really close by!!"

"That really sounds scary!" we said. "Is that when you started to be afraid of storms?" The tapping on the meridians continued.

"Oh no! I clearly remember the first time. I was about 4 and there was a storm raging. I was watching from my bedroom window and a huge bolt of lightening hit the tree outside, the thunder rattled the windows and I screamed. My dad came in and yelled at me for making so much  noise and being a wimp."

We paused a moment, then continued tapping, "ML the lightening isn't out to get you. It is natures way of recharging the atmosphere, clearing the air and cleaning house with all the water. It's ok that you were afraid of the lightening, that you screamed in fear, but it is not out to get you personally." ML heaved a big sigh then went over to have a conversation with another friend.

The storm continued for another hour. ML didn't even notice it though she hadn't been able to sleep the night before due to the storm then.

Follow up several weeks and several storms later had ML amazed. She hadn't even realized how stormy it had been because her overwhelming fear was just gone. Where before just the suggestion of a dark cloud had her running for the house, uplugging appliances and securing curtains, now she just got her umbrella and went on with her day.

There was no formal set up session involved in this case. No long investigative period, just reaching out and asking the story. She was so in the moment that the core surfaced quickly and was resolved.  An excellent case of a one minute wonder, but really a case of finding the core issue quickly because the situation was so present to her.

Love and gratitude for another success story using EFT!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday Reiki

Reiki is a way to connect to yourself, the universe around you and enjoy the healing that is your divine right as a person. We deserve to be well, truly, wholly and without reservation. Will you take responsibility for the state of your health and give yourself permission to move down the path of wellness? Only you can answer that question for yourself. Perhaps today, a distance Reiki session will help you find yourself further along that path of wellness. Sign up here!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

EFT ~ Upset tummy

A recent client of ours had an extremely upset stomach. She had been having a very emotionally turbulent day and towards the end of the evening her tummy was in turmoil. "There is pain from under my ribs to just below my belly button." We asked her if she had ever felt this before, she said no. She had sufficient water, hadn't eaten anything 'off' and didn't have a fever or other indication of a possible stomach flu. On asking her what it felt like: "Is it a throbbing, stabbing or aching pain?" Her reply was a "stabbing" pain.

We did a round of:
"Even though I can't digest all these emotions...
Even though I can't swallow all this emotional pain....
Even though I don't know how to digest all this turmoil.

This turmoil
Can't digest all this
Don't know how to let it go
So much to take in
This turmoil
So much pain
Can't take this
Can't swallow this

What I can let it go?
I can let my body release this
It's safe to release this
I can let this go safely
It's alright for me to breath
I'm letting this go now
It feels good to be free of this
I am ok"

This was an extremely quick round as our client was emotionally exhausted from her turmoil during the day and the pain she had in her stomach for a few hours. She went to bed soon after our session.

The follow up the next day.

"I slept until 11am! I never sleep in and I feel absolutely rested like never before! My stomach didn't bother me at all last night and I fell asleep right away, also not something that usually happens for me!!"

Our thoughts are energy and that energy is a part of our bodies. When things are out of balance you find yourself having physical symptoms as your body is doing it's job in alerting you to issues that need to be addressed. Thank you EFT for being such a fantastic, gentle tool for helping! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wednesday Reiki

Welcome to Wedesday's distance Reiki healing!

Reiki is a way to connect to yourself, the universe around you and enjoy the healing that is your divine right as a person. We deserve to be well, truly, wholly and without reservation. Will you take responsibility for the state of your health and give yourself permission to move down the path of wellness? Only you can answer that question for yourself. Perhaps today, a distance Reiki session will help you find yourself further along that path of wellness. Sign up here!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tomorrow is distance Reiki

Experiences during or after a distant Reiki treatment can vary for each person. Here are a few examples. You may experience any or none of the following:
  • Feelings of peace, serenity, calmness and/or relaxation
  • Feeling energetic
  • Feeling lighter
  • Euphoria (happiness, laughing, and/or positive thinking)
  • Spiritual awareness
  • Release of suppressed/buried feelings, emotions, and/or blockages
  • Release of toxins that can trigger sweating and/or excessive thirst (be sure to drink plenty of water!)
  • Feeling greater balance in your body/mind/spirit
Anyone interested in our Wednesday distance Reiki please join us!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

EFT ~ Not being worthy

This particular issue comes up often in EFT sessions. How many of us feel unworthy? I know I have. Interestingly it often comes down to a lack of self love. Being able to love yourself seems to be a great big hurdle for a lot of us to overcome. We have been so conditioned to abnegate our needs to others that even thinking of doing something for ourselves can be difficult. It seems we can forgive others, love others, help others and we forget that we are just as worthy of forgiveness, love and help too.

Why is that? Why do *you* think you are not worthy of success, love, joy, calm, abundance, health, relationships?

I invite you to write you answers down, it may surprise you. I know it surprised me! It is amazing how far we have come emotionally thanks to using EFT on those answers. You know what? I *like* who I am today. I love myself and that really helps me love others, my husband, our children and the extended friends/family in our life.

What would your life look like if you loved who you are?

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

15 minutes of Free Distance Reiki today!

Sign up here for today's distance Reiki session if you are feeling in the need of some Reiki energy healing. It's effective and never harmful, intuitive and beneficial.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wednesday Reiki

Tomorrow is our free distance Reiki healing session. If you or someone you know could use a bit of Reiki energy, let us know by signing up here. You remain on our list of Wednesday Reiki until you request to be removed.

There have been many responses to our Wednesday sessions that there have been "great recovery from surgery", "greater peace" and "feelings of calm".

Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Look!

There is a new look here at Intentional Wellness and it was done, well intentionally!

Currently reading Randy Gage's blog/ebook Breaking out of Being Broke and aren't we all about tired of being broke? Tired of hearing about and talking about how our economy is soooooo bad?? Tired of it already!

We invite you to check out the ebook of Randy's and check in with your own personal economic responses. Are you where you'd like to be? Are you feeling stuck in "can't and won't happens"? Maybe an EFT session can help you move through those issues.

We are all a work in progress. Join us on the journey towards a bright, prosperous and healthy future!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

PTSD and EFT an observational study

Here is a link to a very good abstract on the use of EFT with those suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

There is a lot of hard core, empirical evidence for EFT's effectiveness in relieving the issues regarding PTSD. It's a nice science word laden observation of what we EFT Practitioners have been observing and celebrating for years, people using EFT as a tool for their emotional stress find relief and health.

Are you or someone you know suffering from PTSD? Get in touch to schedule a confidential and free consultation.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wednesday Reiki

[Dr. John] Zimmerman found that the pulsing field produced by the hands of practitioners is not steady in frequency, but varies from moment to moment. The frequency sweeps up and down through the very same range of frequencies in the ELF band that medical researchers have identified as being effective for jump starting the healing process in the various tissues. – Science and the Human Energy Field, Oschman, James L. Ph.D

There are many benefits to a Reiki session. Greater relaxation promotes healing of tissues and balances hormones. Increased relaxation also helps sleep patterns to normalize which also promotes more rapid healing.

Would you like to be included in our weekly free distance Reiki healing session? Sign up for a free distance Reiki session here.

Would you like to schedule a full distance session or in person sessions available in the San Marcos, TX area. Sign up here.

Enjoy the benefits of this wonderful energy for yourself, a loved one or even a fur baby!

Light and Love!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Operation: Emotional Freedom

One in three service men and women develop post traumatic stress disorder. Rand Corp. report, 2008

 A staggering statistic for our men and women returning from service. EFT has been used and found effective as a non-invasive and drugless modality for relieving many of the symptoms associated with PTSD. Watch a clip of this recently released video about the journey of several veterans suffering PTSD and their responses to using the Emotional Freedom Technique.

Maybe you or someone you know may benefit from some sessions of EFT. Contact us for a free 15 minute consultation today, evaluate for yourself and regain emotional freedom in your life.

Monday, May 10, 2010


A good deed is never lost: he who sows courtesy reaps friendship; and he who plants kindness gathers love.

Even when you don't feel the desire to do a good deed for the day or show kindness because of your own inner turmoil, it is amazing how quickly it can change the energy of your day to do so. Try it for yourself!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Another Road, Another Story

A fabulous Austin band and a fabulous debut album. These guys are inspiring and their musicality is awesome!

Here is a fabulous blog post about them.

10 Amazing Life Lessons

Albert Einstein has some great advice for us today!

Check them out and see how you can apply them to your life today.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This too shall pass

OK Go is a very incredible group that has so much creativity!!! Life can throw us lots of challenges sometimes and we have the choice to react (a negative) or respond (a positive). Good tool of life, keep your daily fare of input liberally sprinkled with good stuff!

Resolve and hope

Resolve says,"I will."The man says,"I will climb this mountain.They told me it is too high, too far,too steep, too rocky,and too difficult. But it's my mountain.I will climb it.You will soon see me waving from the top or dead on the side from trying."
Jim Rohn 

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
Antoine de Saint

Today make a grand resolution, resolve to do it and take heart that it will be so!

Tilting with Windmills

What can you get with $300, a video camera, a computer, some mad animations skillz and a dream?

How about uploading it to YouTube, getting 5,632,439 (and counting) views in a few months and having a powerhouse Hollywood director/producer offer you a $30 million dollar contract to make a movie?????



Dream big, dream without limits, dream outrageous dreams and tilt with windmills!!!! This is the Law of Attraction in action! Be inspired to live your dream. You have the permission right now, in this very moment.

Enjoy the show... what mad skillz, passion and outrageous idea do YOU have?


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Uber Coolness

Check it out! See what this blog sounds like, your blog or your favorite website!! This is super cool and fun!


Sunday quotes & Weight Watchers

"Pay as little attention to discouragement as possible. Plough ahead as a steamer does, rough or smooth - rain or shine. To carry your cargo and make your port is the point. " 
Maltbie Davenport Babcock

What a great quote to put up on a mirror and read every day! There are a lot of them! We have the kids write these kinds of quotes for their penmanship work. The rain in Spain may fall mainly on the plain, but how will the repetition of that assist them later in life? Aside from being able to quote My Fair Lady for an episode of Jeopardy perhaps!

The point here today is words. The words we use and say and what they mean in our lives. Most of the time we live and speak unconsciously. When reading a Little Bear book yesterday to our youngest, I was struck by a something that Mother Bear said to "her little bear". Little Bear was playing a game about wishing for things. He wished for grand things like building a castle, having special things, doing big things when he got older. What did Mother Bear say? She said, "You can't wish for that Little Bear." What? Why ever not? Why would a parent tell their child they can't wish for things? Those words were changed when read to our child. We choose live in a world of possible. Without outrageous wishes and desires our greatest inventions would not be common today. What I'm typing on right now was an outrageous wish. We choose to be mindful parents and human beings in regards to what we say, what we read, what we watch, what we listen to. It's all a choice anyway, we just don't always realize we can change our choices. We say things because that's what we heard growing up. We do things because that is what was modeled to us and often times, they just did the best they could with the models they had too.

Today, you can make new choices. Today you can become mindful of the words you say about yourself. There are books, CD's, DVD's, teleclasses, seminars, etc.. today you can make a choice to work on yourself from the inside out. To change for the better, to recognize what is no longer serving you. You know what those things are, they are the ones that cause you pain.

The point of this post came last night during a discussion of Weight Watchers. This is a perfectly nice organization and one that has helped many people to find success in their issues with excess weight. The thought though was, "what you focus on, expands." ~ T.Harv Eker Just what are you focusing on with this organization? Weight. All your thoughts are bent on it. Your life revolves around it. Your life is defined by a point system of what you can and can't eat so you are conscious of your weight at all times. So if you are having issues loosing weight, it may be because that's all you are thinking about and the Universe and Law of Attraction is giving you what you say/think about all the time. Weight.

Something to ponder today.

Take a few steps today to learn about being mindful of what you say.

1. List all of the negative things you say about yourself. "I'm overweight. I'm not good enough. I can't ____. I'm afraid to ______." Etc. Listen to yourself throughout the day and write down what you say about yourself and what you agree with others about yourself.

2. Take that list and write their opposites or what you would really desire to be. "I love being a perfect size 8. I love being able to rock that job. That vacation to swim with dolphins was fantastic." Whatever it is you dream about as a fabulous and fantastic you.

3. Now start saying those things about yourself every day. Put them up on your mirror. It might feel odd or uncomfortable at first, but that is only because you are used to saying negative things about yourself and it's a habit.

4. Start reading some good books that can help you elevate the way you think and feel about yourself. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a good start. As A Man Thinketh by James Allen is free to download here. Hung by the Tongue: What You Say is What you Get by Francis P Martin. There are many, many more. Now that you are thinking about this, your internal radar will start picking things up and you will run across more resources.

You may also have some energy blocks that EFT can help with, sign up for a free consultation and see if working together we can help you realize the fabulous you!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Don't Give Up!

Excellent blog post by Randy Gage. His say-it-like-it-is style is just the ticket to help us shake up the cobwebs of mediocrity at times. This is an especially great post for anyone following a dream of entrepreneurial freedom. Check it out 

Let you life be a wonderful adventure!

18 Points Used to Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Thank you Happy Feet Reflexology for sharing this story!

People suffering from fibromyalgia may experience a lot of conflicting emotions and pain drags us all down. Now there are some simple steps to help identify this issue that can be used by medical professionals. If you suspect you are dealing with this issue, bring it up with your medical professional and see if this tool helps you to narrow diagnosis down so you can begin a path to wellness. Article

Another technique you can add in your kit o' wellness is EFT. Fibromyalgia and EFT.

As evidenced in the story, our emotions play a huge and integral role in our overall wellness. However, we are taught to ignore them for the most part. We are encouraged to "get over it" to "settle down" to " let it go". But how can we do that successfully if our emotional body was seriously traumatized and the energy surrounding that event or a buildup of events is stuck? EFT gently yet powerfully accesses those blocks and allows them to release. Your pain is real and if you have been ignoring it, stuffing it or avoiding it your body often works out a way to help you focus on it. OUCH! A free 15 minute consultation is available, click on the link in the sidebar and we'll discuss if EFT is right for you.

 Reiki is also highly effective in helping alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia and Reiki.

For those suffering from the symptoms of pain associated with fibromyalgia, you know that there isn't one specific answer or drug that works 100%, consider adding a few of these suggestions to your kit o' wellness

Pain, of mind, body or spirit is not our natural state of being and no one, no matter what situations they have lived through in their lives, deserves to hold on to it as a penance. Give yourself permission today to find a path to your authentic self. You are a being of light, well loved and respectable. We would be honored to be  partners on  your path. Whatever path you choose though,  if you look, you will see us cheering you on with claps and whistles, dance and song.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Fantastic Financially Free Friday!!!


Money, money, money! Money!

Do you say, "money is the root of all evil!" or "I hate money! It causes so much stress in my life!" or "I never have enough money!" or "I don't want to have a lot of money, rich people are never happy!" or "Filthy Rich!"

Well there is no such thing as money.


What's that green stuff in my wallet then? The bank account?

It's a representation of value. That's all. It could be shells. Or salt. In fact the word salary comes from the Roman times when soldiers were paid in salt! Imagine paying your mortgage in salt today! No, really. Imagine it! Salt was a representation of value and so is today's money. The bank account? That is really just a log of numbers. We exchange our time for numbers into an account and we spend those numbers and get goods and services. Where is the tangible?

Money is not real.

So why do we have so many negative emotions around it? Did we suddenly loose the intrinsic value we have as human beings? No. Did we suddenly loose our ability to think, grow, learn or change? No. So why is this exchange of value for value kicking us in the pants so hard?

I highly recommend reading the following book. It changed our lives in a significant way. A positive way. The link will direct you David's site and you can get a free membership and a free ebook, A Happy Pocketful of Money. A book full of win and awesome.


The first step to having wealth is to know what it is. And few people know what it really is, in and of itself. What is wealth? What causes it? What causes the cause of it? Let us start with money, the world’s symbol of wealth, and then move deeper.

Money is not real.

Money is merely legal tender, a form of exchange. We use it to exchange value. It represents value.
- From A Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi


We went to the Millionaire Mind Intensive 3 day event in Denver in 2006.


It was a life changing event for us. We got closer as a couple. We opened our eyes to the limits we were placing on ourselves. We elevated our relationship with our oldest son, then 16.

I'll be honest, we didn't win the lotto the next day. In fact we went through some big stuff a bit after that. However, the 3 event made the process of working through that stuff completely different. Our eyes, our hearts and our thoughts were more open, more positive.

We moved out of thinking that all is in lack, that there isn't enough to go around, that there isn't enough for us. There is more then enough. There is more then enough. That bears repeating.

There are Millionaire Mind Intensives coming up. Some in a city near you! It's an intense weekend event. Connect with yourself on a new level. Connect with your real value and see that value translate into abundance and prosperity in your life.

You deserve it. You are worth it.

"If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible."
- T. Harv Eker


Register for the event near you from the sidebar. Our greatest hope is for you to enjoy the fabulous life we know you deserve! 

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Being merciful to yourself

During a health crisis with pneumonia years ago I struggled with a long recovery period. I had been ill often as a child. My memories are of an almost endless round of sickness and recovery to sickness again. Looking back as an adult I realize that there was healthy time between those, but the feeling of being ill was one I was very familiar with.

Into my adulthood I started to work with my body more actively, using herbs and nutrition to help support my body and actually stopped being sick for several years.

During this bought with pneumonia I got I came to realize three things the illness meant as I recovered my initial strength within weeks, but feeling actually well took many months. Here are a few thoughts for those who may be struggling with their own frustrations with a slower recovery than they'd like.

1. Purely on the physical side, your body just needs time to recover. You need to nourish your body with things that support it's work in healing from the inside out.

2. It's possible that you are being "told" to slow down and refocus on priorities. You may be pulling yourself in too many directions and you are being reminded to streamline and let go of actions, ideas, people, events, things and habits that are no longer serving you. Who or what in your life is stealing your breath? Do you have toxic people or situations in your life that are draining your vitality? It may be time to lovingly move on from those situations or people so you can heal.

3. This may be an opportunity to examine your feelings of pride in asking for the support you need. It's easy for us to fall into the "supermom/superdad/superperson" mode and feel like we can and should be doing it all with little to no help from anyone else. Are there any areas of your life that you need some support and is there anyone in your community that might be able to lend a hand? Have you asked? If not, why? The definition of charity isn't merely to give to those in need, it's original definition was the love that God/Spirit has for us. That love is a two way love, love in giving and love in receiving.

4. Many of these are small changes in mindset you can make. Reading books that help to elevate your inner state of thought can be a huge help. Listening to some motivational speakers or reading some inspirational quotes will help you move out of the energy of frustration. 

5. List some things that cause you stress and think, objectively, do I really need this in my life? What would happen if I let it go? See what happens if you let a few small stressors go.

Reiki can benefit as well by helping you become balanced in your energy, helping to find a lift in vitality and giving yourself a moment of pure love. Treat yourself to free Reiki every Wednesday.

EFT can benefit by addressing toxic situations you may feel at a loss to work through. Gently using this meridian tapping can release energy blocks and stuck habits, freeing you to move forward and able to accept the state of health and wellness that is your birthright.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reiki Wednesday

The illusion holds power over you when you are not  able to remember that you are a powerful spirit  that has taken on the physical experience  for the purpose of learning.
Gary Zukav

Join our family for Reiki Wednesday. We all get together for 15 minutes to do Reiki for everyone who has signed up for our free 15 minutes of distance Reiki at 7pm CST. Haven't signed up yet? You can easily do so here.

Who sends you distance Reiki? Our own wee tribe of two Reiki Masters and the love and thoughts of all our children (all 6!) who have all been attuned to Reiki. Reiki love from children is extra special. Who fails to smile into the smiling face of a child? Well, at least you don't resist for long!

Enjoy some love and healing Reiki, our family's gift to you.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is poverty a sin?

Excellent question and blog post from Randy Gage. You can read it here.

Much of this subject is really about, deserving and worthiness issues within ourselves. We hold so many patterns of these lack thoughts, behaviors and habits and often, we aren't even aware of them. They are simply a part of the daily noise in our life. We flip on the TV and hear the negative jibberish of that tragedy and listen to the radio and catch more tragic jabber and then we elevate ourselves with external recognitions in "how much we know" about the current events of the day. And what exactly can we do about these events as we tread the water of "overwhelm"? Not very much when we start thinking of how global the problems are and how big our own problems are and, and, and, and. We get caught in an endless loop of stuck, lack and overwhelm.

Maybe we have read some books or attended a seminar or really thought about moving ourselves into a more prosperous mindset, then find ourselves dragged back into our old habits because, well they are comfortable, they are known and they are commiserated with. It's uncomfortable and scary to try to move out of lack thinking. It's uncharted territory for many.

Today isn't the day to go into our own journey in specifics, but our feet are on the journey and we constantly, consistently, persistently continue to course correct when we wander off the path of this journey. We've hit brambles, snags, fallen into dips, stubbed our toes, wrenched our ankles and limped or rested for various times. We've face-planted in the mud, been stung by wasps and had to change and grow and stretch.

Many of the ways we have been able to work through these issues is with the use of EFT or Meridian Tapping. This process takes your stuckness and releases it, so you can move forward out of lack and into prosperity.

Look forward to a new EFT call on this subject to explore and re-define your relationship with the idea of wealth, poverty and sin. It'll rock your socks off, it has ours!

Thank you Randy Gage, Napolean Hill, T. Harv Eker, Bob Doyle, Wallace Wattles, Jeffery Gitomer, Christine Comaford, Dan Millman, Gary Craig, Carol Look and many, many, many, many others for being partners on our continuing journey.

".... encumbered with your old nonsense."

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."  Ralph Waldo Emerson
 How many of us carry yesterday with us today? How many yesterdays? Is it really so surprising that we are tired, stressed and sick? 

What yesterday trauma are you carrying around in your energy that is kicking your butt today? What reasonable fear you had as a child regarding a barking dog, falling, insects or talking to a stranger is still affecting you today, but in a non-serving and negative way? Are you afraid of approaching your boss for a better work environment? Are you avoiding taking on that class or skill to further yourself from fear of failure or rejection or a fear of being around new people? Has your phobia become something that actually inhibits your daily routine? Are you dealing with a chronic illness that may be made better if you had some tools to help alleviate stress and pain? 

Let's partner together to create a new day, begun well, so you are no longer "cumbered with your old nonsense." 
Contact us today for a free 15 minute consultation, the form is on the sidebar.
Have a terrific day!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tapping World Summit

Starting tonight, at last count there were 11,000 people signed up to be a part of this summit. Join online and hear Carol Look tap on Tapping into Abundance:
Understanding What's Really Going on with The Law of Attraction and Healing Your Relationship with Money.

She is a tapping goddess on this issue! Enjoy her segment!

Also joining tonight will be Stacey Vornbrock: Using Meridian Tapping to Quickly Manage and Eliminate Pain From Trauma, Injury or Surgery. Excellent subject to tap on. We know from experience how helpful this tool is for these situations!

It's not too late to sign up for this free summit!


Tapping World Summit
Opening Night – 8pm EST

Sunday quotes

A man's doubts and fears are his worst enemies.”
– William Wrigley Jr.

How very true this quote is!

William Wrigley Jr. was the Wrigley in Wrigley gum. Did you know that he started out selling soap? His father started selling soap and his son became interested in the business. It was one of the first inroads to the idea of buying 'regular' soap for the public. Until then, most families made their own, aside from the specialized French soaps that is.

What this man did though was to transform the excitement of the idea of something humble and simple, like gum, into a huge dynasty that is still going strong. He took this dream, moved forward in spite of any doubts or fears and created a legacy.

What  fabulous legacy do you have in your soul yearning to be let free?What would your life be if your doubts and fears could be gently collapsed with EFT? Only you can know! I know that our lives have changed in major and significant ways since we have been using EFT. In fact, just last night we were discussing a recurring and non-serving habit we keep falling into. After discussing the origins of the behavior, we found a radically intense memory and ingrained "truth" we have owned for years to tap on and collapse. It is sure to be another life changing event for us as we let this "truth" go and move on to a more positive stance.

What non-serving habit are you struggling with lately?

Look forward to some free quickie EFT mp3's:

Money ~ this recession is kicking my butt!
Fears ~ it's stopping me from _________
Stress ~ we all have it
Confidence ~ if only I could ____
Test Anxiety ~ it's that time of year!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reiki News

What a wonderful idea for the community!

The community in Sag Harbor, New York came together in a unique and helpful way recently. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork is putting on a healing clinic this weekend. Complimentary & Alternative healers are volunteering their time this weekend to reach out to the community members who may be experiencing difficult times financially and assisting them with body/mind/spirit healing modalities. You can read the rest of the story here.

What a wonderful way for folks in the CAM arena to reach out to our communities and create new relationships and educational opportunities.

Perhaps we can investigate partnering and organizing a similar event in our own various communities.

Friday, February 19, 2010

What is EFT?

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT was coined by Gary Craig during his journey and path towards personal development. For the time being you can still find the bulk of his work and download his manual here.

For our own journey, EFT has been an enormous agent of change and benefit in our lives.

The journey began for us through Bob Doyle and an abundance block EFT mp3 we listened to. We were intrigued with the process and went over to Gary's website and downloaded the free manual. Over 5 years, many re-reads and watching of the DVD's that we invested in, with hours of seminar work and one-on-one sessions, our lives are completely transformed.

Even with using EFT almost daily for ourselves, family members and clients, it never ceases to amaze us just how profoundly this simple system can work. Clients with issues that are so huge and present in their lives, like a serious phobia that controls their everyday actions ***poof*** can be reduced tremendously in a matter of minutes and often times completely eliminated in one session. It is terrific what the body/mind/spirit can do to heal itself given the opportunity and tools. Often an issue is reduced and eliminated to the point that many times during a follow up visit, the client has even forgotten they had that issue or phobia. That is always a smile-maker chat!

How does it work? It works by using acupressure meridian points to release energy blocks that are at the root of many of our emotional and physical dis/eases. Find out if this is right for you by signing up for a free 15 minute consultation.

Gary Craig says, "Try it on everything!" And so we have!!! Phobias, pregnancy issues, grief, anger, pain, sickness, helping with children, abundance, chakras, with Don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements, chronic illness, abuse, trauma, nightmares, PTSD and more and more and more. We do, try it on everything!

Having Gratitude

Enjoy the Gratitude Dance to help lift some spirits and energy levels during the long winter we are having in North America. Though things may seem dreary and winter never ending, Spring is ready to be sprung! Help move the doldrums and cobwebs taking roost in your energy system and have some fun today!

 “Wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.” Kahil Gabran

~~ Tiffany ~~


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There will be lots of interesting topics covered here. Some great links, some discoveries and new paths to explore! We appreciate you joining us.